

Good luck finding foothold on this deceivingly tough 10' wall. Skidmarked is angled to make it nearly impossible to swing your legs up and over, so do you push-ups beforehand so your upper body strength can help you scale this beast. Don't worry, someone in Mudder Nation will give you a boost if you need a lift to conquer this classic.

Grit Teamwork Strength Fun
flameflame flameflameflame flameflameflame flameflame
Grit flameflame
Teamwork flameflameflame
Strength flameflameflame
Fun flameflame

Grab a Leg

Once you make it up, have Mudder’s who are scaling this wall lift their leg up to hoist them up and over

Offer bottom Support

Keep that Mudder going, if your team member is struggling – be their support to push them up to the lip.

Offer top support

Grab an arm, a leg or simply communicate strategy. Anything helps when you have crushed the obstacle yourself.

“Didn’t think it was possible when I can up to Skidmarked, but a fellow Mudder gave me a hoist up & over!”

The inside word
Deep dive into the details of Skidmarked.
How To Conquer
Give your go at a running start to jump up and try to grab hold of this steep, angled wall to then pull yourself up and over. This is easier than it sounds, so unless you have been crushing pullups in your Tough Mudder training (good on you, if you have) – try your best at this tactic. If this doesnt work, look for a hold point (a supporting beam) or lend the knee of a fellow Mudder to hoist you up.


Often duplicated, never replicated. This slanted wall has made Mudder re-think their upper body strength for almost 10 years.

Discover the obstacles