You might be (overly) familiar with the Tough Mudder events and could take a test on them – kudos. But you might also be a total mud run newbie. In that case, hello and let you get you a little more acquainted with our courses and the distances.. We might even throw in a cheeky obstacle for good measure.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, what distance are Tough Mudder courses, how many obstacles are there and which one is right for me? Then here are all the answers.
What Are The Tough Mudder Course Distances?
Tough Mudder 5K – it’s your time to shine
Now this is not your typical 5K run. Try the Tough Mudder 5K obstacle course and shake up your average 5K run with 13 of Tough Mudder’s world-class obstacles.
Tough Mudder 10K – introduce yourself
Welcome to the sweet spot with Tough Mudder 10K. With a 10 Kilometre course and 20 of our world-famous obstacles to tackle, Tough Mudder 10K is the newest adventure in our obstacle course line-up.

Tough Mudder 15K – come and say hello
Different name, same formidable challenge, it’s Tough Mudder 15K. The ultimate obstacle course now with 30 obstacles over a 9+ mile run. It’s you, your teammates and muddy strangers working together to conquer the course and earn the world-famous orange headband.

Tough Mudder distances come in all shapes and sizes (well three), and they will all challenge your grit, teamwork and strength, but above all they’ll be one heck of an adventure.
Now that you’ve had the distances low down, and feel like you could have Tough Mudder as your quiz specialist subject. Why not book your own adventure in the mud and put the courses to the test.