From the 15th June 2020 it will be mandatory to wear a face covering on public transport in the UK. With this in mind we thought we’d show you how you can adapt some of those old Tough Mudder finisher shirts into something useful…And you thought those cotton 2015 shirts were never going to come in useful.
Before we get to the how to, we just want to make sure that the guidance on face coverings of this manner is clear for everyone:
- Evidence has suggested that wearing a face covering does not protect you but it may provide protection for others you come into contact with.
- The use of face coverings should not replace any of the Government’s social distancing measures that remain in place and does not change the fact that if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 you should isolate at home.
- A face covering is not the same as the surgical masks and respirators which are being prioritised for healthcare workers.
- Face coverings should not be used by children under 2, or those that may find it hard to manage them correctly e.g. those with underlying respiratory conditions.
- It is important to wash your hands before putting on or taking off a face covering, and wash reusable ones between wears.
There are many ways that you can make a face covering, but these 2 options come from the Government advice page. You can use an old finisher T-shirt for each method. One requires a little sewing skill and possibly a sewing machine if you have one to hand, but if you’re not that way inclined and hate anything to do with sewing, we totally get it. The second option requires none of those skills.
Option 1:
For this you will need an old finisher shirt, two 20cm lengths of elastic or string, a needle and thread (or sewing machine if you have one) and a pair of scissors.
- Cut two 25cm x 25cm squares out from your T-shirt and stack on top of each other.
- Fold over one side by 75mm and hem, then repeat on the opposite side.
- On the remaining two sides, fold over the double layer of fabric by 1.5cm to make a channel. Stitch this into place.
- Run the elastic of string through each channel using a large needle to poke it through if needs be. These will create the ear loops if using elastic, or ties if using string.
- If you’ve gone with elastic, tie the 2 ends together each side. Gently pull these back through so the knots are hidden inside the channels. Gather the sides of the face covering together to create a good fit on your face. Then stitch in place to secure the elastic and stop it from slipping.
- If using string, tie behind the head and around the neck.

Option 2:
For this you will need an old finisher shirt and a pair of scissors. This method works best for small or extra small T-shirts:
- Gather together the front and back and cut a straight line across the width of the T-shirt around 20cm up from the bottom. For this the T-shirt should preferably be small
- Come down 2cm from the top right hand corner and cut a 15cm horizontal line parallel to the top, making sure it’s through both the front and back material.
- Repeat for the bottom right hand corner.
- Cut up to join the 2 lines and remove the now loose rectangular piece of material. This can be discarded.
- To make the 4 ties cut open the edge of the 2 thinner strips of fabric at the right hand side.
- Unfold the main piece of fabric and place over your mouth and nose. The 4 ties hold the face covering in place by being tied behind the head and around the neck.

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