If workouts and exercise equal rolled eyes and sulks in your house, incorporating movement into games can be an excellent way to get your kids involved. Tough Mudder UK Trainer and dad Born Barikor is back this week with three really easy games that you can recreate using items you’ll find at home. Whether you’ve got a packed house or it’s just you and your Lidl Mudder, all three games can be played with just two or multiple players.
3 At Home Activities for Kids
1. T-Shirt Dodgeball
Use a rolled up t-shirt (or any soft clothing) as a ball and ask one Lidl Mudder to try and hit the others, while they attempt to avoid getting caught. Whoever gets hit, becomes the thrower. We suggest moving anything breakable or valuable out of the way for this one as we can guarantee it will get competitive.
2. Balloon Vollyball
It might sound simple but balloons can bring hours of fun, especially if you’re stuck in on a rainy day. With much less change of breakages than with a ball, balloon volleyball will have all the players running, jumping and stretching as they try to keep the balloon in the air.
3. Recycle Bowling
There are so many things you can use at home to create your very own bowling alley. Born used toys but our favourite is using empty bottles from the recycling. Not only will this game get the Lidl uns off the sofa but they’ll be working on hand eye coordination and balance too.
Enjoy these game ideas? Check out this simple smoothie recipe to make with kids or more children’s exercise ideas with Born.