Don’t think you can get truly sweaty in just 10 minutes? Prepare to be proven wrong. This 5 move medicine ball, full-body workout is going to have you breathing hard and sweating buckets. If you don’t have a medicine ball, then a weight plate or backpack (filled obviously) will do the trick.
Fat-Busting Fully-Body Workout
1. Toe Touches
Place the medicine ball on the ground (don’t worry you’ll be using it soon enough) and starting on one side lift your knee and touch your toe to the ball. Swap sides, once you’ve got the motion nailed, pick up the speed. You’re looking to do 20 toe touches, keeping your body straight and your chest over your knees. Try not to lean backwards, or forwards for that matter.
2. Push Ups
If you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey you can stick with a standard push up (or a push up from your knees if your upper body strength isn’t quite there yet). But if you’re looking for the next level then use your medicine ball. Place it beneath your feet and then drive up using your arms as you would in a normal push up. 10 push ups please.
3. Squat Jumps
It’s time to pick up your medicine ball (or whatever weight you’re using). Hug the medicine ball to your body and descend into a standard squat position, keep your weight in your heels and back straight. Then, using all of your explosive power drive up into a jump. You can leave out the jump part if you need to take it down a notch. Another ten, Mudder.

4. Up and Overs
Stand with your feet roughly hip width apart and place the medicine ball just to your right hand side. Take the ball in both hands and lift it, bringing it up and over your body and placing it back down on the other side. You’ll need to do this 10 times, while keeping your heels firmly on the ground.
5. Woodchops
Spread your feet a little wider and take the medicine ball in both hands again. Starting from down near your right foot bring the ball up in a diagonal motion. Do 5 reps and then switch sides and do another 5 in the opposite direction.
Keep working through this circuit until 10 minutes are up – how many rounds can you get through? If you enjoyed this speedy little number try our 10 minute cardio workout or 7 minute ab workout. Time is no longer an excuse Mudder Nation.